11 bit studios S.A. announces that the entity authorised to audit the financial statements and review the interim financial statements of the Company for the financial years ending 31 December 2024 and 2025 is Grant Thornton Polska Simple Joint Stock Company with its registered office in Poznań.
Grant Thornton Polska Prosta spółka akcyjna is entered on the list of entities authorised to audit financial statements, maintained by the Polish Agency of Audit Supervision, under registration number 4055.
For more information, see current report No. 2/2024.
Pursuant to §8 para. 4 of the Articles of Association of 11 bit studios S.A., it is within the competence of the Supervisory Board to select an auditor to audit the financial statements. The Company does not have a direct rule specifying the rules for changing the entity authorised to audit financial statements, however, the Company’s accepted practice is to conduct the process of selecting the entity authorised to audit financial statements in the form of a tender every few years.
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